Sunday, June 22, 2014

Feeding the Masses

Food. Food is a mountainous issue in our home. The volume of calories consumed under our roof on a daily basis could make Dr. Oz's hair curl. My cooking pots are so dear to me that I name them. (My Thelma pot is my favorite and named to honor my ever-generous mother.) As if the quantity isn't enough to make us strange, we also have to have everything gluten free!
Sir Jake was the first to be diagnosed with celiac disease. He had suffered with what specialists thought was asthma, RSV, and pneumonia for most of the first five years of his life. After we adjusted his diet we witnessed a miracle. He grew! His health problems went away! He was able to run and play and his immune system became stronger!
It has since been manifested and tested that we all need a gluten free diet with the exception of The Daddy. He has been so good to just eat our way at home. As much of an inconvenience as it can be, celiac has been a blessing in our lives. We pay attention to what we eat. I read a lot of labels and we ask a lot of questions. We eat less processed and more made from scratch.
To offset the ridiculous cost of GF we grow a massive garden and preserve the bounty. It's a lot of work but there is something delicious about going to bed tired with the smell of applesauce lingering on my hands.
This pic is of my favorite yard sale bargain this week. These canning rings were being offered as fill-a-bag-for-2-bucks. I offered $5 for the whole bin. Offer was accepted but I had to explain why I would ever want so many canning rings. I named thirteen reasons, all of them priceless.
Now if I can just get the thirteenth reason to let me have a turn to play!

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