Friday, September 5, 2014

Soul Sisters

It's the beginning of a new school year and that means pictures! (The kind of pictures where the children are actually clean and wearing matching, cute outfits......or at least clothes.)

We have to divide and conquer on this one. It's just too difficult to get thirteen children spiffed up and smiling simultaneously. Miss Brianna (who of course does the clicking) suggested that we make the split along gender lines. All Little People of the female persuasion were ordered to be cutie-pied and packed into the van.

 I was invited along for the photo shoot as more of a prop-getter than anything else.

As we finished for the day and headed out of the hills, something that should have been obvious finally made it's way to my head. I had all six of my girls together. Wow. We should take some all girls pictures!

Just in case I might want to do something with it someday, I asked the girls to let me take a series of pics starting with Miss Nichole, then adding Miss Brianna, then Miss Emily and so forth until at the end I would have a pic with all six. When it was Miss Izzie's turn to join the line she knew it! She started running toward HER spot. All girls turned and waited for her anxiously!

Looking at this happy moment captured on film makes me remember another happy moment more than two decades ago.

When Miss Nichole was a newborn (and my home was very neat, tidy, and quiet) I decided to write her a letter as she slept one afternoon. I held her in my arms and wrote to her of the feelings in my heart as she came into my earthly life, and I became a mother for the first time. I remember with ease those quiet moments because they didn't stay quiet. The Heavens opened and I could hear noises that only a multitude of children are capable of making. I knew in my heart that these were my other children and that they were so excited for the journey their sister had made. But they also missed her dearly and were anxious for their turn.

 I tease my sweetheart that Heaven gets a wee bit more quiet each time we have a baby. It probably sounds like a library now that Miss Izzie has taken her place in line.


  1. You're so great, Julie. What a special picture, having them all together like that. And your sentence "I knew in my heart that these were my other children and that they were so excited for the journey their sister had made. But they also missed her dearly and were anxious for their turn." Made me tear up. I have no idea what's in store for our family, but I certainly feel blessed for the two we have and hope we have more looking down on us anxious to join, as you described.

    1. I hope so, too! You are a wonderful mother. Your children are probably singing in some sort of choir up there. Mine were just disturbing the peace.
