Monday, July 7, 2014

Even Heroes Were Little Boys Once

July 4th is a time to show off our patriotism and enjoy all that this great country has to offer. As I watched my Little Men doing just that this year I couldn't get this image from Memorial Day out of my mind. Sir Tommy and Sir Matt wanted to be as close to this veteran as possible. They were in awe and rightly so. They don't understand  the sacrifice that past generations have made but somehow they sense it.

As we drove to the lake this year I started quizzing the Little People about the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War. (That's weird, but we homeschool, so we're expected to be weird). I wanted them to imagine the circumstances of the time. What would they have done? What cause would they have supported? Why? If they felt impressions, one way or another, would they have had the faith and courage to act upon those impressions?

I hope it was less of a History lesson and more of an Apathy-Makes-Your-Mama-Crazy-So-Live-For-Something lesson....because I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll look back at their generation with marked admiration.

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