Sunday, June 29, 2014

Where are the Singing Mice?

Last year.....
Miss Brianna was so totally shocked when she won Miss Idaho Days. I wasn't. I remember that week. I was 38 weeks pregnant and feeling it. I had promised to sew a beautiful dress for her but couldn't. Instead she was caring for me. I found this "Cinderella" dress at my favorite second-hand store. I paid more to have it cleaned than I did for the dress. Miss Brianna was so gracious about it. She designed a classic lace overlay and we patched up a few holes and she made it her own. Her hostess was unable to help her that week because of an ailing father. Brianna not only took care of her own needs, but every time I checked on her she was caring for one of her competitors.

This year......
I watched that graciousness and kindness bloom into confidence and leadership. And she finally got that dress I promised.

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